June 17th


"Let this mind ever be in you which ever is in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 2:5, Expanded Greek Translation – EGT).

Christ made the clear choice to once then humble Himself, and once then through His mind renewed to the Father's mind, once then emptied Himself (kenoses) until all that was left in His mind was the Father's will, the Father's desire, and the mind of the Father in all things. That is the way Christ was obedient to the Father in all things, even to the death on the cross (Phil. 2:5-8; Luke 22:42). We must earnestly make the choice to allow the Holy Spirit to renew our mind to the mind of Christ,  and though the same "kenoses" process, once then empty ourselves of all that is not of Christ. The Father has desired it for three (3) important reasons:

(1) We need to know and have fellowship with Christ. We need to progressively know and learn Christ as our life. We will only come to a full reality of "I live, yet not I but Christ" (Gal. 2:20) to be manifested in our life, when we have the mind of Christ. We need a revelation of Jesus Christ as quickened by the Holy Spirit, to see that Christ is all things, and in Him is our all in all. We need to allow that revelation to grow in us, and truly operate in unity with Him in spirit and in life in all things. The Holy Spirit must renew us in our hearts and mind with unfolding revelation to the point where Christ is our life, our ONLY life. We need to develop our fellowship with Him, and get our thinking in unity with His Spirit in all things as we commune with Him.

(2) We need to know, To be, and to do the Father's Will.  Christ becomes our new teacher, as we are opened a greater door of revelation through the mind of Christ, and choose to begin living and thinking in union with Him. Through the mind of Christ, we will come to know, to be, and through His Spirit be enabled to want and to do the Father's will (Matt. 11:27). This is our opportunity for the most significant spiritual growth past the Holy Spirit opening up the revelation of Jesus Christ to and in us. In fact, this puts us right on target in the Father's plan for us in Christ. Now we are able to move into a deeper dimension to know our Father in a greater way, through Christ as our life, our ONLY life.

(3) We need to have a love fellowship with the Father.  One of the greatest and deepest dimensions of spiritual life that comes through the mind of Christ is ultimately to learn and know the mind of the Father, and to have fellowship with Him in the spirit, through the Spirit of Christ within us. "No one knows the Father, except the Son, and he to whom the Son wills to reveal Him" (Matt. 11:27). It is the Son who knows the mind of the Father, and will reveal Him to us. It is the life of the Son in us, flowing through us, that becomes the open door to know and experience the life of the father as the source of all things. It is the renewed mind – literally the mind of Christ in us, that the Spirit of the Son will use to reveal the mind of the Father. The mind of Christ in us, in tune with His Spirit, makes us far better receivers to clearly hear Christ speak to us to reveal the Father's way, direction, and timing. Through the flowing of His Spirit in us, we can experience the Father's motivation and purpose – and ultimately the Father's glory.

When we make Spirit-led choices of kenosis where we choose to let the Holy Spirit to transform our mind into the mind of Christ, we have began the first step of a great journey. When we have Christ revealed in us and choose to let Christ be our life, our only life we have taken another great step in this journey.  Then, when we choose to let Jesus Christ live His only life in and through us, we will begin to start having a love fellowship and understanding with our heavenly Father.  We were Spirit rebirthed to have this love fellowship and relationship with our heavenly Father.  When we operate with the mind of Christ in us, we will have His love flow and this Spiritual love fellowship with our Father grow and blossom into one of life's greatest blessings and joy! V

Written by Dwight Davis


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